Since all the quantities on RHS can be determined experimentally, the amount of unknown in a given sample can be determined in appropriate units of % or ppm in case of trace abundance. The above given is the equation to be followed for DIDA. Following conditions must be fulfilled to carry out IDA procedure;
i) The radioactive tracer must be radiochemically pure. It means that the tracer must not be contaminated with any other radioisotope.
ii) The radiotracer must be chemically identical. It means that it must be in ionic or covalent form as the analyte.
iii) The radiotracer must be uniformly distributed in the sample. It means that the mixture must be stirred thoroughly.
iv) Suitable separation procedure must be developed before hand to isolate the component in pure form.
v) Half-life of the radiotracer must be sufficiently long so that it should be feasible for chemical separation.