Strain Energy due to Shear Stress Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Principal Stresses and Strains - Strain Energy due to Shear Stress

Strain Energy due to Shear Stress:

A small element of dimensions dx, dy and dz is subjected to a shear stress component txy and undergoing shear strain gxy is shown in given Figure

2392_Strain Energy due to Shear Stress.png



As shown in previous Section, we might calculate the work completed as product of force dF and average displacement dd/2

Displacement, dδ = g xy  dy

Force, dF = txy  dx dy

Shear strain, gxy = t xy  /  G

 ∴  dδ = (t xy /G ) dy

∴          Work done or energy stored in the element,

            dU =    ½ t xy  dx dz. (t xy  /G).dy

536_Strain Energy due to Shear Stress1.png

∴          Total Strain Energy

                    2479_Strain Energy due to Shear Stress2.png

Strain energy density at any point,

                           2032_Strain Energy due to Shear Stress3.png

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