Determine the maximum value of the shear stress Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Principal Stresses and Principal Planes - Determine the maximum value of the shear stress

Determine the maximum value of the shear stress:

A machine component is built of a material whose final strength in tension; compression and shear are 40 N/mm², 110 N/mm² & 55 N/mm² respectively. At the critical pt within the component the state of stress is shows by

σx = 25 kN/mm² and σy = -75 kN/mm².

Determine the maximum value of the shear stress txy which shall cause failure of the component and also define the mode of failure.


Given state of stress :  σx = 25 kN/mm²

σy = -75 kN/mm².

We have to discover what txy is safe, if σ1 ≤ 40 kN/mm², σ2 ≥ -110 kN/mm² and

tmax ? 55 kN/mm².

The above three conditions are to be satisfied independently.


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In the limiting case,

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or         t²xy = [ 40 - (-25) ]²  - 50² = 1725

            ∴          txy  = ± 41.533 N/mm²

Note down that the limiting case of σ1 = 40 N/mm² will take place for both the txy values of 41.533 N/mm² and - 41.533 N/mm². But the planes of failure shall be different.

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In the limiting case,

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i.e.       50² + t²xy  = (55)²

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The permissible value of txy is different for different limiting criteria, that is

| txy | ≤ 41.53 if σ1  ≤ 40

≤ 68.74 if σ2  ≥ - 110

≤ 22.91 if tmax  ?  55

Therefore, we find that the maximum safe value of txy is just 22.91 N/mm² and the material shall fail in shearing mode.

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