Motion Commands
Out of the many functions available, the motion group is perhaps the most widely used. We will discuss these various motion commands and their operation. All the motion commands are as follow:
- G00
- G01
- G02
- G03
The usage of motion commands is very similar to that of the machining centre.
G00 Rapid Positioning
The default code at power on is G00, which is used for rapid positioning simultaneously in all the axes. In G00 mode the control executes a motion to reach the end point from the start point as shown in Figure 33. The actual programming modes that are possible are shown below:

Figure 33 : Example for Rapid Positioning
Rapid movement from A to B is
Absolute Mode
N040 G00 X15.0 Z2.0;
Incremental Mode
N040 G00 U-35.0 W-18.0;
Mixed Mode
N040 G00 U-35.0 Z2.0;
N040 G00 X15.0 W-18.0;