Find the corrected bearing of the lines Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Precautions and Errors in Compass Survey - Find the corrected bearing of the lines

Find the corrected bearing of the lines:

Measurements of bearings, while running a traverse ABCDE are recorded in table given below.

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It is suspected that reading at some survey stations were effected by local attraction. Locate the stations affected by local attraction and find the corrected bearing of the lines.


The first step is to obtain the difference between FB and BB of every line and obtain its deviation from 180o.

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It is thus found that line DE has a perfect difference of 180o between fore bearing and back bearing. It can be concluded that station D and station E are free from local attraction.

Observed fore bearing EA and back bearing CD, are assumed to be correct. Since deviation at A is + 2o 30′. The needle is deflecting to an amount of 2o 30′ from true north towards east.

Correction to all readings of bearing taken at station A, therefore, shall be + 2o 30′, i.e. fore bearing of AB at A is corrected to 191o 45′ + 2o 30′ = 194o 15′ and the back bearing of line EA at A = 147o 45′ + 2o 30′ = 150o 15′.

The corrected back bearing of line AB would be = Corrected FB of AB at

A - 180o = 194o 15′ - 180o = 14o 15′.

However, the observed back bearing of line AB at station B is 13o. This indicates that station B is also affected by local attraction needle deflecting east wards by an amount 1o15′ from true north. (14o 5′ - 13o = + 1o15′)

Bearings at B are required to be corrected by + 1o15′.

Hence the fore bearing of BC as corrected would be

39o 30′ + 1o 15′ = 40o 45′.

The corrected back bearing of BC at C would be 40o 45′ +180o = 220o 45′. The observed back bearing of line BC at C is however 222o 30′. This concludes that needle at C is deflected (220o 45′ - 222o 30′) = - 1o 45′ from true north. Negative sign indicting deflection towards west.

The corrected fore bearing of line CD would be 22o 15′ - 1o 45′ = 20o 30′

Corrected back bearing at CD at station D would be

20o 30 ′ + 180o = 200o 30′.

The observed back bearing of DC at D = 200o 30′ giving a zero deviation at D indicating station D is free from local attraction.  Similarly station E will also be free from local attraction.

The results can be tabulated as follows :

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