Find out the angle Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Precautions and Errors in Compass Survey - Find out the angle

Find out the angle:

Find out the angle among lines OA and OB in following cases where the respective bearings are:

(a)        37o 10′ and 316o 28′ (b)          16o 34′ and 139o 43′ (c)          118o 12′ and 287o 54′


[Rule:  When bearing of two lines as measured from point of intersection of lines, i.e. from O, and lines OA and OB are given, subtract smaller from greater. The difference that will be interior angle if it is less than 180o and exterior angle if it is more. Interior angle will then be (360o - exterior angle).]

(a)        OA = 37o 10′, OB = 316o 28′

Included angle = 316o 28′ - 37o 10′

= 279o 18′ > 180o ⇒ Exterior angle

Interior angle AOB = 360o - 279o 18′

= 80o 42′

(b)       OA = 16o 34′, OB = 139o 43′

Included angle = 139o 43′ - 16o 34′

= 123o 09′ < 180o ⇒ Interior angle

Interior angle   = 123o 09′

(c)        OA = 118o 12′, OB = 280o 54′

Included angle = 280o 54′ - 118o 12′

= 162o 42′< 180o ⇒ Interior angle. Interior angle = 162o 42′.

1492_Find out the angle.png


Figure: Included Angles

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