Site Preparation
This consists in removing stumps, logs, roots, waste-wood and etc. from the site while the building is to be constructed. In that case the termites mound is discovered inside the plinth area of the building they should be destroyed through use of insecticide solution. For this treatment the holes should be made within the mound at various places through use of crow-bar and the insecticides taken in the creation of water suspension or emulsion should be poured within the holes. The quantity of insecticides solution to be used depends on the size of mound. For a mound having volume of about 1 cu.m., 4 litres of an emulsion in water of one of the following chemicals might be used : BHC 0.5%, DDT 5%, Aldrin 0.25% Heptachlor 0.2% Chlordane 0.5% (Here, chemical concentration is expressed through weight.)