Components of the Power Distribution
A feeder can be either an overhead line or an underground cable. In urban fields, owing to the density of customers, the length of an 11 kV feeder is commonly up to 3 km. Instead, in rural areas, the feeder length is much larger (up to 20 km). A 415 V feeder should generally be restricted to about 0.5 -1.0 km. unduly long feeders lead to low voltage at the consumer end. The power supply system, involving the distribution network.
The major components of the power distribution system and their brief descriptions are given in Table.
Table: Components of the Power Distribution System
Grid Substation (GSS)
Sub-transmission Network
Power Sub-Transmission
Primary Distribution Feeders
Distribution Substation
Secondary Distribution Network
Power from transmission network is delivered to sub-transmission network after stepping down the voltage to 66 kV or 33 kV through 220/132/66/33kV Grid substations
Power is carried at 66 or 33 kV by overhead lines or underground cables.
Power is stepped down by 66-33/11 kV to 11 kV for distribution.
Power is delivered from PSS through primary feeders at 11 or 6.6 kV to various distribution transformers.
Power is further stepped down by 11/0.4 kVtransformers to utilisation voltage of 415 V.
It carries power from DSS at 415 V (240 V single phase) to various consumers throughservice lines and cables.