Potentiometric Titrations Assignment Help

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Potentiometric Titrations:

The potential of a suitable indicator electrode is conveniently employed to establish the equivalence point for a titration (a potentiometric titration). A potentiometric titration provides different information from a direct potentiometric measurement rather than involving absolute potentials or potentials with respect to standard half- cells, the measurements are made while the titration is in progress. The equal point of the reaction will be revealed through a sudden modification in potential within the plot of emf readings against the volume of the titrating solution. One electrode must be maintained at a constant, other than not essential known, potential; the other, electrode must serve as an indicator of the changes in ionic concentration and must respond rapidly. The solution must, of course, be stirred during the titration.

Apparatus for potentiometric titration Location of End Points
Potentiometric measurements Types of Potentiometric Titrations
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