Pure Virtual Function Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Polymorphism - Pure Virtual Function

Pure Virtual Function

A pure virtual function is a category of function that has only a function declaration. That does not have the function definition. The subsequent program describes how to declare a pure virtual function

// pure virtual function

# include<iostream.h>

class base



int x;

float y;



virtual void getdata( );

virtual void display( );

class derivedB : public base



int rollno;

char name[20];



void getdata ( );

void display ( );

void base :: getdata ( )



void base :: display( )



void derivedB :: getdata ( )


cout <<"enter roll number \n";

cin >> rollno;

cout<< "enter name \n";

cin>> name;


void derivedB :: display ( )


cout << "roll number  student's name \n";

cout << roll no << '\t' << name << endl;


void main ( )


base *ptr; derivedB obj; ptr = &obj;

ptr-> getdata ( );

ptr -> display ( );


Output of the program is

Enter roll number


enter name ganapathy

rollnumber    student's name

89001  ganapathy

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