Overloading Non-Member Functions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Polymorphism - Overloading Non-Member Functions

Overloading Non-member Function

Friend functions play an extremely important role in operator overloading through giving the flexibility denied through the member functions of a class. They permit overloading of stream operators (<< or >>) for stream computation on user defined data types. The only difference among a friend function and member function is which; the friend function needs the arguments to be explicitly passed to the function and processes them explicitly, while the member function considers the first argument implicitly. A Friend functions could either be used along with unary of binary operators.  Syntax of operator overloading along with friend functions is display below

Friend return type operator symbol(arg1 [arg2])


// body of operator friend function



It is essential to follow semantic rules and syntax of the language although extending the power of C++ by using operator overloading. Actually, operator overloading characteristics opens up vast vistas of opportunities for creative programmers. The following are a few guidelines which require to be kept in mind although overloading any operators to support user defined data types.

All Operators cannot be Overloaded Avoid Ambiguity
Early Binding Retain Meaning
Retain Syntax Use Functions when Appropriate
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