Why Overriden Methods Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Polymorphism in Java - Why Overriden Methods

Why Overridden Methods?

As begin previously, overridden method permits Java to support run-time polymorphism. A Polymorphism is essential to OOPs for one reason: it permits a common class to specify methods which will be general to all of its derivatives, although permitting subclasses to describes the specific implementation of a few or all of those methods. An Overridden method is another way in which Java implements the "one interface with multiple methods" aspect of polymorphism.

Category of the key to successfully applying polymorphism understands in which the super classes and subclasses form a hierarchy that moves from lesser to greater specialization. Used rightly, the superclass gives all elements in which a subclass can own. This permits the subclass the flexibility to define its won methods, still enforces consistent interface. Therefore, through combining inheritance along with overridden methods, a superclass can describes the common form of the methods which will be used through all of its subclasses..

Run time polymorphism that is also known as dynamic is one of the most powerful mechanisms which object-oriented design brings to bear on code robustness and reuse. The ability of existing  code  libraries  to  call  methods  on  objects  of  new  classes  without recompiling although manage a clean abstract interface is a profoundly powerful tool.

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