Torque acting on the shaft Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Plastic Deformation in Torsion - Torque acting on the shaft

Torque acting on the shaft:

The torque acting on the shaft

T = T1  + T2

where, T1 = Torque for elastic deformation from r = 0 to r = rγ, and

T2 = Torque for plastic deformation from r = rγ  to r = d/2 .

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Both T1 and T2 may be calculated by considering stress on elementary ring of depth dr at radius r.

1143_Torque acting on the shaft1.png

τ is the stress acting on the elementary ring in elastically deformed zone, i.e. 0 ≤ r ≤ rγ and τ is the stress acting in plastically deformed zone, i.e. r γ  ≤ r ≤ d/2 .

At         r = rγ , τ= τγ

That means in elastic region.

τ= (τγ/ rγ )r

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Utilizing Eq. (40), or

           475_Torque acting on the shaft3.png

Here, Tγ is the highest elastic torque carried by the cylindrical shaft. When entire section is deformed plastically rγ = 0, then plastic torque

Tp  =4/ 3 TY

In case of plastic deformation the straight radius of the section remains straight as in elastic deformation which means that shearing strain

           γ= r θ / l

or         r = l γ / θ

At the onset of yielding the angle of twist is θγ and shearing strain γ = γY

 ∴         d/2 = l γY / θY

 If plastic deformation has developed to rY only

r Y  = l γY/θ

 Taking ratio of Eqs. (3) and (4)

rY / (d/2)   = θY    / θ

Substituting for rY /(d/2) in Eq.  we have

T =       (4/3) TY  [ 1- (1/4)( θY /θ)3 ]

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