Advantages and Disadvantages Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Plane Table - Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages and Disadvantages


(a)        Plane table survey is most appropriate for preparing small-scale maps. It is most rapid.

(b)       The field book is not essential as plotting is completed in field concurrently along with the field work, and hence the mistakes in booking the field notes are prevented.

(c)        The surveyor could compare the plotted work with the actual features of the area surveyed and, therefore, cannot overlook any necessary features.

(d)       There is no possibility of omitting the essential measurements as the map is plotted in the field.

(e)        Errors of measurements and plotting might be readily detected by check lines.

(f)        Irregular and Contours objects might be represented accurately, because the tract is in view.

(g)       It is particularly beneficial in magnetic area where compass survey is not reliable.

(h)       It is less expensive compare to a theodolite survey.

(i)        No great skill is needed to prepare a satisfactory map.


(a)       The plane table is essentially a tropical instrument. It is not appropriate for work in a wet climate.

(b)       It is cumbersome, heavy, and awkward to carry.

(c)        There are various accessories to be carried and, therefore, they are likely to be lost.

(d)       It is not intended for correct work.

(e)        If the survey is to be re-plotted to a quantities or different scale are to be computed, it is of great inconvenience in absence of the field notes.


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