Thin Layer Chromatography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Planar Chromatography - Thin Layer Chromatography

Thin Layer Chromatography:

Thin layer chromatography is different from paper chromatography in that a flat surface of metal, glass or plastic coated along with adsorbent like as silica gel, alumina or any other material, is used. The method discovered through Ismailoff and Scraiber in 1938 is earlier, more sensitive and has better resolution than paper chromatography. TLC is often used to develop optimal conditions for separation by liquid column chromatography. The method has become a workhorse of the drug industry for purification of products. It has also searched widespread use within clinical, industrial and environmental laboratories. Presents developments have elevated it from the level of semi-quantitative analytical procedure to one in that highly reliable quantitative separations could be performed.

Apparatus and Requirements Detection Methods
High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Mobile Phases
Plate Concept Applied to TLC Stationary Phases
Thin layers of Sephadex superfine
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