Paper Chromatography Assignment Help

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Paper Chromatography:

It is one of the oldest and simplest techniques for qualitative analysis though it can also be used for quantitative determination. In during later element of nineteenth century Runge, Schnbein and Goppelsroeder separated coloured dyes and other chemicals on paper or cloth which is considered as old cousin of paper chromatography. In 1944, R. Consden and A. H. Goron, two coworkers of A. J. P. Martin, the Nobel Laureate, first reported the separation of a mixture of amino acids and laid the foundation of paper chromatography. The method is based on the movement of solvent phase in upward or downward direction by gravity and accordingly, it can be categorized as ascending or descending PC. There is another version of it, known as circular paper chromatography where a circular paper is taken alter of strip and the solvent phase moves in circular direction. Therefore, it is not extremely commonly used.

Applications Detection Methods
Development of Chromatogram Factors
Principle Procedure for calculation
Solvent Systems Stationary Support
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