Maximum Pitch to Parallel to Edge Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Pitch of Rivets - Maximum Pitch to Parallel to Edge

Maximum Pitch to Parallel to Edge:

In case of butt jointed compression members in which forces are transferred through butting faces:

s ≤ 4.5 d for a distance from the a butting faces (equal to 1.5 times width of the member)

The distance between centres of any two consecutive rivets in a line adjacent and parallel to an edge of an outside plate, shall not exceed 100 + 4t or 200 mm (whichever is less) in compression or tension members.

1835_Maximum Pitch to Parallel to Edge.png

Figure: Maximum Pitch to Parallel to Edge (in mm)

(d) While rivets are staggered at equal intervals and the gauge (g) does not exceed 75 mm; the pitch distances (s) specified in (a), (b), (c) above may be increased by 50%.

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