Where Is All The Antimatter Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Particles of Matter - Where Is All The Antimatter

Where Is All The Antimatter?

Why don't we see antimatter floating about in the Universe? Why, for illustration, are the Moon, Earth, Venus, and Mars all made up of matter and not antimatter? (When any celestial object was made up of antimatter, then as soon as the spacecraft landed on it, the ship would disappear in an incredible burst of energy.) This is a fascinating question. We are not absolutely certain that all the distant stars and galaxies we see out there actually are matter. Though, we do know that if there were any antimatter in our instant vicinity, it would have long ago joint with matter and been annihilated. When there were both matter and antimatter in the primordial solar system, the mass of the matter was larger, for it succeeded after the contest.

Most of the astronomers are skeptical of the idea which our galaxy contains approximately equivalent amounts of matter and antimatter. If this were the situation, we must expect to see periodic explosions of unimaginable brilliance otherwise a continuous flow of energy which could not be elucidated in any way other than the matter-antimatter encounters. Though, no one really knows the answers to questions about what includes the distant galaxies and, in specific, the procedures that drive some of the more esoteric objects like quasars.


Assume that a 1.00 kg block of matter and a 1.00 kg block of antimatter are fetched altogether. Determine how much energy will be liberated? Is there any matter or antimatter left over?


We can now answer the second question at first: There will be no matter or antimatter left over as the masses of the two blocks are equivalent (and, in a sense, opposite). As for the first portion of the question, the total mass included in this encounter is 2.00 kg; therefore we can use the famous Einstein formula. For ease, let us round off the speed of light to c =3.00 x 108 m/s. Then the energy E, in joules, is as shown below:

E = mc2

    = 2.00 x (3.00 x 108)2

    = 2.00 x 9.00 x 1016

    = 1.80 x 1017 J

This is numerous of joules. It is not simple to conceive how great a burst of energy this symbolizes since the number 1.80 x 1017, or 180 quadrillion, is so large to envision. Though, the quantity of energy symbolized by 1.80 x 1017 J can be thought of in terms of the other problem.

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