Proton Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Particles of Matter - Proton


Protons are very small to be examined directly, even with the most powerful microscopes. All protons bring a positive electric charge and the charge on every proton is same as the charge on every other. Each proton at rest has the same mass as every other proton at rest. Mainly all scientists accept the proposition which all protons are alike, at least in our portion of the universe, though they, similar to all other particles, put on mass when accelerated to great speeds. This raise in mass occurs since of relativistic effects; you'll learn about this later.

Though an individual proton is invisible and not massive adequate to make much of an impact all by itself, a high-speed barrage of them can have significant effects on matter. Protons are extremely dense. If you could scoop up a level teaspoon of protons the way you scoop up a teaspoon of sugar-with the protons packed tightly altogether such as the sugar crystals-the resultant sample would weigh tons in the Earth's gravitational field. A stone made up of solid protons would fall into the Earth and cut through the crustal rocks similar to a lead shot falls through the air.

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