Multiple Correlation Assignment Help

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Multiple Correlation

In the problems of multiple correlations we are dealing with a situation that includes three of more variables. For e.g., we may consider the association between the yield of rice per acre and both the amount of rainfall & the average daily temperature. We are trying to make estimates of the value of one of the variables based on the values of all others. The variables whose value we are trying to estimate are termed as the dependent variable and the other variables. Thus in the age, height and weight problem, if we are trying to estimate men's weight we might denote.

X1---> weight in lbs.

X2--> height in inches.

X3---> age in years.

The coefficient of multiple correlations can be expressed in terms of r 12, r 13 and r 23 follows:

r1.23 = r212 + r213 - 2 r12 r13 r23 / 1 - r223

r2.13 = r212 + r223 - 2 r12 r13 r23 / 1 - r213

r3.12 = r213 + r223 - 2 r12 r13 r23 / 1 - r212

It should be noted that R1.23 is the same as R1.32.

An alternate formula for obtaining the value of R1.23 is as follows;

r1.23 = r212 + r13.2 (1 - r213)

r2 1.12 = r212 +r213.2 (1 - r213)

Or similarly

r1.24 = r212 + r214 - 2 r12 r14 r24 / 1 - r224

Or r1.24 = r212 + r214.2 (1 - r212)

And,  r1.34 = r213 + r214 - 2 r13 r14 r34 / 1 - r234

Or R1.34 = r212 + r214.2 (1 - r213)

To determine a multiple coefficient with three independent variables, the following formula shall be used:

r12.34 = 1 - (1 - r214) (1 - r213.4) (1 - r212.34)

Illustration:-the following zero-order correlation coefficients are given

r12 = 0.98, r13 = 0.44 and r23 = 0.54.

r1.23 = r212 + r213 - 2 r12 r13 r23 / 1 - r223

Substituting the given values

r1.23 = (.98)2 + (.44)2 - 2 (.98) (.44) (.54) / 1 - (.54)2

= .9604 +.1936 - .4657 / .7084 = 0.986.

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