Parametric Representation of a Straight Line Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Parametric Curves - Parametric Representation of a Straight Line

Parametric Representation of a Straight Line:

For the position vectors P1 [1 2] and P2 [4 3], find out the parametric representation of the line segment among them. Also find out the slope and tangent vector of the line segment.


A parametric representation is following

P (t) = P1 + (P2 - P1) t = [1 2] + ([4 3] - [1 2]) t            0 ≤ t ≤ 1

P (t) = [1 2] + [3 1] t    0 ≤ t ≤ 1

Parametric representations of x & y components are following

x (t) = x1 + (x2 - x1) t = 1 + 3t   0 ≤ t ≤ 1

y (t) = y1 + (y2 - y1) = 2 + t

The tangent vector is got by differentiating P (t). Specifically,

P' (t) = [x' (t)  y' (t)] = [3  1]

or     516_Parametric Representation of a Straight Line.png= 3i +  j

where,516_Parametric Representation of a Straight Line.pngis the tangent vector and i, j are unit vectors respectively in the x, y directions.

The slope of the line segment is

dy/dx = (dy /dt )/ (dx/ dt)   = y′(t) / x′(t)  = 1/3

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