The primary nuclear reactor fuel materials used presently are the parts thorium and uranium. Uranium has played the main role for purpose of both usability and availability. It could be used in the form of pure metal, as a constituent of an alloy, carbide, or as an oxide or other suitable compound. By metallic uranium was used as a fuel in previously reactors, its poor mechanical properties and great susceptibility to radiation damage excludes its use for commercial power reactors presently. The source material for uranium is uranium ore, that after mining is concentrated in a "mill" and shipped as an impure form of the oxide U3O8 (yellow cake). The material is after that shipped to a materials plant where it is converted to uranium dioxide (UO2), a ceramic that is the most general fuel material used in commercial power reactors. The UO2 is established into pellets and clad along with zircaloy (water-cooled reactors) or stainless steel (fast sodium-cooled reactors) to form fuel elements. The cladding protects the fuel from attack through the coolant, avoids the escape of fission products, and gives geometrical integrity.
Oxide fuels have elaborates extremely satisfactory high-temperature, dimensional, and radiation stability sad chemical compatibility along with cladding metals and coolant in light-water reactor service. Under the much more severe conditions in a fast reactor, therefore, even inert UO2 starts to respond to its environment in a manner in which is frequently detrimental to fuel performance. Uranium dioxide is almost completely used in light-water-moderated reactors (LWR). Mixed oxides of plutonium and uranium are used in liquid-metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR).
The main drawbacks of oxide fuels which have prompted the investigation of other fuel materials are their low uranium density and low thermal conductivity which decreases along with increasing temperatures. The low density of uranium atoms in UO2 needs a larger core for a given amount of fissile species than if a fuel of higher uranium density were used. An increase in reactor size along with no increase in power raises the capital cost of the reactor. Poor thermal conductivity means in which the centerline temperature of the fuel and the temperature difference among the middle and the surface of the fuel rod must be extremely large for enough fission heat be extracted from a unit of fuel to make electric power production economical. Alternatively, central fuel temperatures close to the melting point have a beneficial fission product scouring effect on the fuel.