Osmotic equilibrium Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Osmotic Phenomena - Osmotic equilibrium

Osmotic equilibrium:

It is probable to derive, from purely thermodynamic considerations, an expression for osmotic pressure within terms of measurable solution parameters. At any constant temperature and pressure of one atmosphere, transfer of solvent within solution occurs since the molar free energy of the pure solvent, μ0, (standard chemical potential of the solvent) is greater than the partial molar free energy of the solvent in the solution μi. To bring equilibrium among the two and therefore, stop osmosis, it is essential to increase the value of μi   through applying higher external pressure on the solution. If this rise in free energy is Δμi, then the condition for osmotic equilibrium must be

µi0 =  μi     + Δμi

and hence

µi0 -  μi     = Δμi

The chemical potential (μi) of elements, i, in a solution is defined in terms of Gibbs free energy (G) through the relation

dG =  SdT  +  VdP  +∑i μi dNi

where, S is the entropy, T is the absolute temperature, V is the volume , P is the pressure and Ni  is the number of moles of component, i.

From Eq.,

μI   =   (∂G/ ∂Ni )T,P,N


V   =  (∂G/ ∂P)T,

where, N represents the entire set of N's and Nj represents all N's except Ni..

Differentiating Eq. with respect to Ni

(∂ 2G/∂ Ni ∂P)T, N   = (∂μi  /∂P)T,N   = (∂V/∂Ni )T,P,N     = 610_Osmotic equilibrium.png

where,  610_Osmotic equilibrium.png is the partial molar volume of component, i.

 The thermodynamic activity, ai of elements, i is associated to its chemical potential μi through the relation

μi0      =    μi *   + RT ln ai

where, R is a gas constant.

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