Team Building Assignment Help

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Team Building:

One of the major techniques in the arsenal of organizational development consultancy is team building. Team building is a conscious effort to develop effective work groups through out the organization. The focus of team building is the development of effective management teams. These work groups focus on solving actual problems in building efficient management teams. The team building process begins when the team leader defines a problem that requires organizational change. Next, the group analyses the problem to determine the underlying causes. These factors may be related to such areas as communication, role clarifications, leadership styles, organizational structure and interpersonal frictions. The next step is to propose alternative solutions and then select the most appropriate one. Through this process the participants are likely to be committed to the solution. Interpersonal support and trust develops. The overall improvement is the interpersonal support and trust of group members and enhances the implementation of the change. The concept of the quality circle, imported from Japan, is a modern example of team building.

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