Survey Feedback Assignment Help

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Survey Feedback:

The method of basing organizational change efforts on the systematic collection and measurement of subordinate attitudes by anonymous questionnaires. The three basic steps in the process are: data collection, feedback to organizational units and action decisions. Surveys are typically either the objective multiple choice type or disagreement with a particular question. Normally, anonymously answered questionnaires are used. If truthful information concerning attitudes is to be obtained, the employee must feel comfortable, secure and confident in responding.

In the second step, the results of the study are presented to concerned organizational units. In the final step, the data are analyzed and decisions are made. Means by which the data may be compared and analyzed include: scores by organizational level, scores by seniority, relative scores on each question and scores for each question.

The decisions are directed at improving relationships in the organization. This is accomplished by revealing problem areas and dealing with them through straight forward discussions.

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