Organizational Task Laboratory Assignment Help

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Organizational Task Laboratory (OTL):

This is a laboratory technique like sensitivity training. The basic component of the technique is a small group composed of between 5 to 15 people. In the OTL, representative management situations and decisions are created with the hope of allowing managers and the work group to experience and learn about:

(a) recognition of conflict: the emphasis here is placed on how management can work more effectively with their groups and with other managers so as to increase individual and goal accomplishment.

(b) reconsideration of established practices: the participants are encouraged to examine their own behavioral styles and those of others.

(c) Formulation of explicit goals: the OTL stresses importance of explicit, clear objectives and their advantages over vague guidelines.

(d) experimentation groups are designed to encourage participants to experiment and innovate and to develop means of evaluating the consequences of creative action.

Compared to sensitivity training, organization task laboratory places more emphasis on task-oriented team experience and less on self-awareness and sensitivity in interpersonal relations. OTL emphasizes on group problem solving. Members of various units come together to utilize group processes in formulating goals and experimenting with innovative ways of accomplishing them. Groups are often capable of stimulating individual behaviour in positive or functional directions.

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