Future Directions in Organizational Development Assignment Help

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Future Directions in Organizational Development:

The field of OD is growing rapidly; new approaches are being developed, more complex and vigorous research is being conducted and OD is being applied across a diversity of areas and

settings. Because so much has happened in a relatively brief period (since late 1950's), predicting the future of OD is difficult. However, major trends emerged in 1980's which may be used to speculate about the future directions in OD. e.g. diverse perspectives, bottom-line results, multiple stakeholders, different settings, comprehensive long-term change and outward/inward focus.

Successful organizational development tends to be a total system effort, a process of planned improvement-not a program with a temporary quality; it is aimed at developing the organization's internal resources for effective change in the future. Its real thrust are for the organizational members to draw out and help develop the resources of each other and increase the range of behavioral options open to individuals and teams.


In early 1960's, the term organizational development (OD) became increasingly popular to describe the facilitating of system-wide change in an organization. Today, the term is used for a variety of change-oriented activities which are planned. OD has been described as a complex network of events that enhances the ability of organization members to manage the culture of their organization, to be creative when solving problems and to assist their organization when adapting to the external environment.

OD is characterized by focusing on organization as a whole or on major units, within them rather than dealing with individuals. A rapidly growing technology facilitates work in this area.

Outside specialists (change agents) usually work with organization members to help them, understand and analyze their own problems and devise and carry out their own solutions.

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