Confrontation Meetings Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Organizational Development - Confrontation Meetings

Confrontation Meetings:

Organizational confrontation meetings is an OD technique designed to mobilize the resources of the organization towards problem identification, the establishment of priorities and goals, and an action plan for accomplishing them. This technique is frequently used when an organization experiences significant personnel changes. The process is well defined.


  • A group is informed of the situation and assigned the task of identifying the problems facing the organization. Individuals are then assigned to heterogeneous groups and asked in an honest and open way to identify organizational problems. The groups then come back together as a larger group and each segment reports each list of problems and may propose solutions:
  • The leader (change agent) then classifies the problems and the larger group is broken down into homogeneous segments e.g. marketing personnel are assigned marketing problems, financial managers assigned financial problems, etc. The groups then establish priorities and suggest solutions of plans of action.
  • The groups periodically report their progress and receive feedback from other units. Periodic meetings are scheduled to keep all areas of the organization informed about the progress being made. Confrontation meeting technique appears particularly valuable in bringing total resources of an organization to bear on the solution of common problems. It provides employees with a feeling of participation in the problem solving operation.


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