Task Theories
Work intends can have a consequence on how aggravated people are. If a job has skill diversity, task identity and task significance, allow autonomy, and provide feedback, then employees are likely to feel that the work is meaningful and they will feel accountable and have knowledge of the outcomes of their work. This, in turn, leads to high internal motivation, high- excellence work performance, and high approval. This model has led to the redesign of work in many organizations-and its principles underlie the substitute of assembly line manufacture with other, more included approaches.
Related to the task, yet inspiring in a different way is the use of goal-setting. Research has shown that setting high but achievable goals encourages people to exert effort in trying to achieve them. One word of warning-target merely work if the people trying to reach them accept them, so you either need their participation in setting the goals, or need to do a good selling job to influence them why the goals are relevant and reasonable. Remember: targets should be SMART.