Twenty-First Century Organisational Trends:
In the emerging world sequence, four key organisational trends are visible:
Globalisation, flatness, diversity, and networking.
• Globalisation
Manifested in
1. Increasingly globalised sales, research, manufacturing, management.
2. Movement from direct exports to having sales offices in various countries spread across the globe.
3. Increasingly globalised labour market.
Due to
1. Decreased cost and improved quality of international transportation & communication.
2. Find for unsaturated markets.
3. Exploit regional expertise and cost differences.
• Diversity
Manifested in
1. Workforce getting more heterogeneous within gender, culture, race, language, etc.
Due to
1. Differentiated customer requires - fulfilling them is a source of competitive benefits.
2. Increasing access of workplace to diverse populations.
3. Increased pace of modification in technology & markets.
4. Diversity in organisations is a source of both innovation and conflict or communication problem. Managers in such organisations require coping along with various styles of interaction, presentation, physical appearance, dress, and etc.
• Flatness
Manifested in
1. Fewer stages of management.
2. Empowerment of workers for making decisions.
3. Fewer difference in responsibility (not in pay) across levels.
Due to
1. Required for quick decision making.
2. Development in IT
3. Globalisation that forces intensified competition & increases the required to cut costs.