Basic Analog Circuits using Ideal Op-amps:
In the following, we illustrates different controlled sources and other useful circuits, which may be realized by using IC op-amps.
VCVS Circuits
Assume the 3-port VCVS of Figure. Supposing ideal op-amp (i.e. Zin = ∞, Z0 = 0, A → ∞) the node equation at node m is
V2 - Vm /R1 = Vm - V0 /R2

Figure: The 3-port VCVS
Solving for Vm gives,
Vm = (R2/ R1 + R2 )V + (R1/ R1 + R2)V0
(V1 - Vm ) A = V0
or (V1 - V m ) = V 0 /A
which means V1 = Vm as A → ∞
From (50) and (52), we determine
V0 = (1 +( R2 / R1) )V1 - (R2 / R1)V2