Obstacles to Chaining Assignment Help

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Obstacles to Chaining

In this type the ends of lines are visible but chaining is blocked. Instance of such obstructions are lakes, ponds marshy land etc. Different geometric properties can be used to find obstructed length CB as shown in given figure.

2255_obstacles to chaining.png

                                                           Obstacles to chaining

(a) Set CD and BE perpendiculars to AB, such that CD = BE. Then

             CB = DE                                                                                                                   [Fig. (a)]

(b) Set perpendicular CD to AB. Measure CD and DB. Then

            442_obstacles to chaining1.png                                                                                      [Fig. (b)]

 (c) Set CD and DB such that DB ⊥ CD. Measure them. Then

                1704_obstacles to chaining2.png                                                                                         [Fig. (c)]

(d) Select a convenient point F. Set FE = CF and FD = BF. Then

                          CB = DE                                                                                          [Fig. (d)]   

 (e) Select a convenient point F. Locate D and E such that CF = n DF and BF = n EF. Measure

DE. Then,

              2020_obstacles to chaining3.png                        [Fig. (e)]

(f) Select points D and E on line passing through C [Fig. (b)]. Measure CD, CE, DB

and EB.

Then, from ?BDE,

145_obstacles to chaining4.png

From eqn. (a), cos θ can be found and substituting it in eqn. (b), the obstructed length CB can be found

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