The Polymorphism chapter focuses on the implementation of the concept of polymorphism by using the keyword virtual. An emphasis is on how to realize the virtual functions; pure virtual functions; virtual base classes in C++ language. The early binding and the late binding of compilers are also describes.
OOPs languages support polymorphism that is characterized through the phrase "one interface, multiple methods." Within easy terms, polymorphism is the attribute which permits one interface to be used with a common class of actions. An exact action selected is determined through the exact nature if the condition.
Polymorphism helps decrease complexity through permitting the similar interface to be used to specify a common class of actions. It is the responsibility of compiler's to select the specific action (which is, function) as it applies to each situation. You, the programmer, don't require to make this selection manually. You requires only note and utilize the common interface.
The first OOPs languages were interpreters, then the compiled language. Thus, in C++, run-time and compile-time polymorphism both is supported.
Polymorphism is other important Object Oriented Programming concept. Polymorphism means the ability to take more than one form. For instance, an operation might exhibit variant behavior in various instances. A behavior depends upon the category of data used in the operation. For instance, let consider the operation of further. For two numbers, the operation will produce a sum. The operation would produce a third string by concatenation if the operands were strings. Figure describes in which a single function name could be used to handle different number and various category of arguments. This is something same to a particular word having various different meanings depending on the context.
A Polymorphism plays a very important role in permitting objects having different internal structures to share the similar external interface. This means in which a common class of operations might be accessed in the similar manner even by specific actions related within every operation might differ. It is extensively used in implementing inheritance.