AWT GUI Components Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Object-Oriented Programming Languages - AWT GUI Components

AWT GUI Components:

We now start in-depth treatment of Java's AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) - the classes which comprise the java.awt package.  The given figure displays a portion of the java.awt class his hierarchy which involves the classes covered in this chapter. Every class in the figure inherits directly form class Object. A Class Color holds methods and constants for manipulating colors. A Class Font holds methods and constants for manipulating fonts. It contains methods for obtaining font information. Class Polygon holds methods for creating polygons. A Class Graphics hold methods for drawing strings lines rectangles and other shapes and at last a Class Toolkit gives methods for getting graphical information.

2465_AWT GUI Components.png

Component Class Container Class
Dialog Class Event handling
Frame Class Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects
GUI Control Components Java Coordinating System
Overview of the Java.awt Package Panel and Applet Class
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