Example Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Number of plates for required separation - Example


The separation shown below was obtained with a 3 m column. What is the minimum column length necessary to obtain a resolution of 1.5?


Figure:  Calculation of required plates

Norig =16(x/y)2 =16(17/1)2 =4624 plates

α = 17-1/14-1 =1.231; k2 =17-1/1=16

Nreq= 16 Rs2 (α/α - 1)2( k2+ 1/k2)


=36(28.4)(1.13)= 1155 plates

Lreqd =Lorig× Nreq/Norig

=3× 1155/4624 =0.75 m

Thus, a much shorter column will provide a satisfactory separation. Since the separation is complete on the 3 m column then higher flow rates can be used to reduce the analysis time.

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