Analytic and Geometric Properties:
The curve from Eq. (1) may be rewritten in the following equivalent form :
where Ri, p (u) are rational basis functions. Their analytic properties find out the geometric behaviour of curves. The most of the significant properties are :
• Generalization: If all the weights are set to 1, then
where the 0s and 1s in U are repeated along with multiplicity p + 1, and Bi, p (u) mention the Bernstein polynomials degree.
• Locality: Ri, p (u) = 0 if u ∉ [ui , ui + p +1 ] .
• Partition of Unity:
• Differentiability: In the interior of a knot span, the rational basis functions are infinitely continuously differentiable if the denominator is bounded away from zero. At a knot they are p-k times continuously differentiable whereas k is the multiplicity of the knot.
Ri, p (u; wi = 0) = 0
Ri, p (u; wi →+ ∞) = 1
Ri, p (u; w j → + ∞) = 0 j ≠ i