Resultant of Non-Coplanar Forces:
In particular case of non-coplanar force system also, the method of resolution of forces may be utilized to determine the resultant. If three non-coplanar forces F1, F2 & F3 are acting at a point O in body, the resultant R12 of the two forces F1 & F2 may be determined by law of parallelogram of forces. The force R12 may next be combined with F3 via the parallelogram, giving the resultant of three forces F1, F2 and F3 as R. If all of there are more forces in the system, the similar process may be continued until all the forces have been covered. Here, note down that the resultant of non-coplanar force system should pass through the point of concurrence.
The resultant of concurrent force system may also be determined as the vector addition of the forces of the system. The vector sum of the forces may be obtained very easily if each force is resolved into rectangular components. Therefore, the vector sum of a non-coplanar system of concurrent forces F1, F2 & F3 is
R¯ = F¯1 + F¯2 + F¯3
That may be written in rectangular component form as following :
Rx i¯ + R y j¯ + Rz k¯ = F1x i + F1 y j¯ + F1z k¯ + F2 x i¯ + F2 y j¯ + F2 z k¯ + F3 x i¯ + F3 y j¯ + F3 z k¯
= (F1x + F2 x + F3 x ) i¯ + ( F1 y + F2 y + F3 y ) j¯ + ( F1z + F2 z + F3 z ) k¯
= (∑ Fx ) i¯ + (∑ Fy ) j¯ + (∑ Fz ) k¯
Rx = F1x + F2 x + F3 x = (∑ Fx)
Ry = F1y + F2 y + F3 y = (∑ Fy)
Rz = F1z + F2 z + F3 z = (∑ Fz)
At last, combining these components Rx, Ry and Rz vectorially, we obtain the resultant R¯ .
R¯ = R¯x i¯ + R¯y j¯ + R¯z k¯

cos θx = ∑ Fx/ R , cos θ=∑ Fy/ R , cos θz= ∑ Fz /R
Where θx, θy and θz are the angles which the resultant R makes with x, y and z axes, respectively.