Synectics Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Nominal Group Process - Synectics


This technique was developed by Willian J. Gordon when he was a member of Arthur D. Little, a well known research and consulting firm in USA. It was designed to help the firm invent new products for its clients. While the object of a brainstorming session and nominal group process is to generate as many ideas as possible synectics aim for only one radically new idea focused on a specific problem area. Only the group leader knows the exact nature of the problem. In this way quick easy ideas/solutions are avoided and participants do not have a chance to become occupied thinking of their own ideas.

Group discussion is organized around a subject that is related to the problem. Example if the problem is to produce a new toy the group leader may suggest play or enjoyment as the discussion area. The session may open with give and take on the meaning of play and what types of play leads to the greatest enjoyment. Eventually under the careful direction of the leader the discussion might start to focus on what kind of new toys children would find most enjoyable.

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