Noninvasive electrophysiology Assignment Help

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Noninvasive electrophysiology

Electrophysiology learning is any of a number of intracardiac (invasive) and non-invasive recording of spontaneous electrical activity as well as of cardiac responses to programmed electrical stimulation. These studies are performed to assess elucidate symptoms, arrhythmias, evaluate abnormal electrocardiograms, assess risk of building arrhythmias in the future and design treatment.

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The normal electrical conduction system of the heart allows the impulse which is generated through the sinoatrial node SA node of the heart to be propagated to and stimulate the myocardium the muscle of the heart. When the myocardium is inspired it contracts. It is the ordered inspiration of the myocardium which allows efficient contraction of the heart, thus allowing blood to be pumped to the body.



Electroencephalography (EEG) Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
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