Design of Organisational Structure Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Networks in Formal Communication - Design of Organisational Structure

Design of Organisational Structure:

These factors have certain implications (given below) for the design of organisational structure and the communication network:

1. An organisation along with mostly routine, easy tasks is likely to work more efficiently with a formal centralized network of communication, although more complicated tasks would require decentralized networks.

2. The problem-solving objectives of speed and flexibility cannot be achieved through the similar pattern of communication. Rather, speed in problem-solving could be achieved at the expense of flexibility, and vice-versa. As such, the communication pattern should be designed along with reference to the objective which is regarded as more important.

3. The pattern which leads to the highest average morale and greatest flexibility in adapting to changed conditions are the one in that there are a large number of active participants in decision-making process.

4. Access to information is a significant source of power in organisations.

So far we have elaborates patterns for formal communication in an organisation. We should now discuss informal communication and its channels.

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