Features of LAN Assignment Help

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Features of LAN

  • Service to a limited area. LANs gives network services to a limited area like as a single building or a set of buildings known as a campus, while WANs might give national or international service
  • Private administration and ownership. Unlike WAN that might be subject to the rules of a regulatory agency like as the Federal Communications Commission in the United States or the OFTEL (Office of Telecommunications) in the Great Britain LANs are owned and administered privately. Which means a LAN could be installed, designed, maintained, and expanded without external involvement or approval.
  • Complete device connectivity. Every device which is connected to a LAN potentially has equal access to each other network device.
  • Self-contained. LANs are self-contained entities which can be constructed with associatively fewer equipments. The geographic coverage in which a wide area network gives requires a huge array of telecommunication equipments (satellites, telephone lines, and microwave links, to name a few). LANs frequently connect to a WAN by a device known as a gateway but the LAN is always a independent and distinct entity.
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