Mounting the Nfs File System Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Network File System - Mounting the Nfs File System

Mounting the NFS file System

mount   is the command which is used to mount the file system and display the mounted file system information.

# mount -t [file system type] -o [option] [hostname  of NFS server:remote dir

]           [mountpoint]


-t          Indicates the filesystem type .

There are options which can be passed to the mount command.  The most important features are specified in the -o option. These featuures are:

rw       -         read/write.

ro        -          read only.

bg        -          background mount (place the process into the background and keep trying until  success if the mount fails).

fg         -          foreground mount (place the process into the background and keep trying until success if the mount fails).

soft      -          The soft option provides an error if the server doesn't respond. Don't use soft option on writable file systems.

hard    -          Continue retrying  a  request  until  the  server  responds. Use hard option on all file systems mounted with read-write permission.

Let consider the following example

#mount -t        nfs -o rw,fg,soft         radiant1:/home/Krishen /mnt

#mount -t        nfs -o rw                     radiant1:/home/Krishen/mnt

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