McClelland—Need based motivation Assignment Help

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McClelland—Need based motivation

He said that human beings have three basic needs (motivational) power, affiliation and achievement.

•    Power is shown in strong desire to alter the course of events.
•    Affiliation is need for friendship, love and group approval.
•    Achievement is shown by desire to succeed not to fail.

He found out that scientists, business men and professionals have above average desire for achievement motivation. He suggested that a person with high achievement motivation possesses certain characteristics.

•    he prefers tasks in which he can take personal responsibility for the outcome.
•    he sets moderate goals and takes calculated risks.
•    wants precise feedback concerning his successes or failures.

He prefers co-workerscsc sc who are competent despite his personal feelings about them. McClelland's theory is important to the study of motivation because he maintains that the achievement motive can be taught. He indicates that the achievement motive can be acquired through training by teaching a person to think and behave in terms of the achievement motive.

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