G02 and G03 Circular Interpolation
Circular interpolation is specified by using G02 for clockwise and G03 for counter clockwise directions. While using G02 or G03, it is necessary to provide either the radius of the circular arc or the centre point coordinates. The radius is specified by using R word address and the radius will only be a positive value. The centre point coordinates are specified using I and K word addresses for the distance from the start point to the centre along X and Z-axis respectively. It is expected that material will be cut during this programming, and hence there should be valid feed code in operation. A typical example is shown in Figure 36.
Programming from A - B - C - D - E (Radius Programming)
Absolute Mode (using Radius Value)
N035 G00 X12.0 Z2.0;
N040 G01 X12.0 Z-20.0 F120;
N045 G02 X22.0 Z-30.0 R10.0 F100;
N050 G00 X32.0 Z-28.0;

Figure 36: Example for Circular Interpolation with Feed
Absolute Mode (using Centre Point Coordinates)
N035 G00 X12.0 Z2.0;
N040 G01 X12.0 Z-20.0 F120;
N045 G02 X22.0 Z-30.0 I10.0 K0 F100; N050 G00 X32.0 Z-28.0;