Bouncy Objects Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Momentum, Work, Energy and Power - Bouncy Objects

Bouncy Objects:

Now observe the figure which is shown below. The two objects contain masses m1 and m2, and they are moving at the speeds of v1 and v2, correspondingly. The velocity vectors v1 and v2 are not particularly shown here, though they point in the directions shown by the arrows. At A in this example, the two objects are on a collision course. The momentum of object with mass m1 is equivalent to p1 = m1v1; the momentum of an object with mass m2 is equivalent to p2 = m2v2. Therefore far the case is just similar as that in figure shown below. Though here the objects are made of various stuff. They bounce off of each other whenever they collide.

468_Bouncy Objects.png

Figure: (a) Two bouncy objects, both with constant but dissimilar velocities, approach each other. (b) The objects after the collision.

At B, the objects have now hit each other and bounced. Obviously, their masses have not changed, though their velocities have, therefore their individual momentums have changed. Though, the total momentum of the system has not altered, according to the law of conservation of momentum.

Assume that the new velocity of m1 is v1a and that the new velocity of m2 is v2a. The new momentums of the objects are hence,

P1a = m1v1a

P2a =m2v2a

According to the law of conservation of momentum,

P1+ P2 = P1a + P2a

and hence:

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1a + m2v2a

The illustration shown in figure above represents idealized situations. In the real world, there would be difficulties which we are ignoring here for the sake of elaborating basic principles. For illustration, you may already be wondering whether or not the collisions shown in this drawing would impart spin to the composite mass (as shown in figure above) or to either or both masses (as shown in figure above). In the real world, this would generally occur, and it would make our computations vastly more complex. In this idealized illustration, we suppose that no spin is generated by the collisions.

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