Inference of phylogeny from rRNA gene sequence
Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary relatedness between various groups of microorganisms. Molecular approach to microbial Phylogenetic analysis pioneered through Carl Woese in the 1970s and leading to the three-domain model revolutionized our thinking about evolution in the microbial world. The Phylogenetic analysis plays a middle role in microbiology and phylogenomics need substantial knowledge and understanding of computational and phylogenetic analysis methods.
The introduction of comparative rRNA sequence analysis presents a main milestone in the history of microbiology. The present taxonomy of prokaryotes as well as modern chip and probe based identification technique are mainly based upon rRNA derived Phylogenetic conclusions. While the comparative analyses are hampered through the commonly low Phylogenetic information content and different resolution power and multiple copies of the individual markers and the domain, prokaryotic phyla concept is globally supported.