Simple and Differential Levelling
As mentioned earlier, simple levelling is the simplest levelling operation (Figure 2(a)). Now let the staff readings at A and B stations be HA and HB. If RL of A is 100.00, RL of station B can be obtained as follows
HI at O = 100.00 + HA
RL of B = 100.00 + HA - HB
And the level difference between A and B = [HA - HB].
The case of differential levelling is explained earlier and shown in Figure 2(b). The instrument is set and levelled at O1 and staff reading of station A (Back sight) of known level (say a bench mark) is taken. Station C in a firm ground (change point) is chosen and staff reading at C recorded from O1 (foresight). Stations A and C are visible from instrument station O1. O1C is approximately taken as O1A to minimize error because of line of collimation not being exactly horizontal. Instrument could then be shifted to another station O2 from that change point C and another selected change point D (such that O2C = O2D) are visible. Staff reading, through instrument at O2, of station C (backsight) and of station D (foresight) is recorded. Various change points, i.e. E, F, G etc. could be chosen along with instrument stations O3, O4, O5 etc. till last change point and station B are visible from last instrument station. The staff reading of last modify point from last instrument station will be a backsight, although that at station B will be foresight. The reduced level (RL) of station B can be acquired from a series of calculations if RL of A is known. Thus level difference between A and B can be acquired. Let the RL of A is RLA, then
(HI)A = RLA + hA (BS at A)
RL of C = RLA + hA - hC (FS at C) = RL + BSA - FSC
RL of D = RLA + BSA - FSC + BSC - FSD
= RLA + (BSA + BSC) - (FSC + FSD)
RL of B = RLA + ∑ BS - ∑ FS
Therefore, RL of B = RLA + Difference between sum of all backsights and sum of all foresights.
And level difference between A and B = Difference among sum of backsights and sum of foresights.