Bucket Placing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Methods of Concreting - Bucket Placing

Bucket Placing:

The concreting can be carried out at considerable depths by using this method. The buckets are usually fitted with drop-bottom or bottom-roller gates which open freely outward when tripped. The bucket is fully filled along with concrete and its top covered along with a canvas cloth or a gunny bag to avoid the disturbance of concrete as the bucket is lowered within water. The bucket is lowered through a crane up to the bottom surface of concrete and then opened by a suitable arrangement provided at the top. The concrete should be discharged straightly against the surface on that it is deposited. Early discharge of bucket, that allows the fresh concrete to drop through water, must be prevented. This method permits the use of slightly stiffer concrete than does tremie method. In this method, some buckets are provided with a special base which limits the agitation of the concrete during discharge and also while the empty bucket is hoisted away from the fresh concrete. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty in keeping the top surface of the placed concrete reasonably level.

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