Minimum Number of Teeth on the Pinion Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Methods of Avoiding Interference - Minimum Number of Teeth on the Pinion

By Limiting Minimum Number of Teeth on the Pinion:

Given fig illustrates meshing of two gears. Motion is transferred through pinion to the gear. AB is tangent to the base circles. Theoretically specking, the addendum circles of pinion and gear may respectively pass through A and B. hence,

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Assume number of teeth on gear and pinion respectively be T & t. Assume m be the module of the gears that has to be similar both pinion and the gear.

O2 P = Tm /2      on   O1 P =   m t/2

and gear ratio 'G' = T /t.

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Thus, O2 A2 = O2 P2 + O1 P2 sin 2 φ + 2O2 P × O1 P sin 2 φ

 putting for O1 P and O2 P.

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Thus, addendum of gear

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here aw is the multiplying factor for gear.

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all have stronger root due to cycloidal profile at the root.

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