Angular acceleration of link:
A four bar chain O2 AB O4 is illustrated in fig. The point C is on link AB. The crank O2A rotates in clockwise sense having 100 rad/s and angular acceleration 4400 rad/s2. The dimensions are illustrated in Figure (a). Conclude acceleration of point C and angular acceleration of link O4B.



First Draw configuration diagram to the scale.
The velocity of point A, VA = O2 A × ω = 1000 × 100 = 7.5 m/s
Velocity Diagram
For drawing velocity polygon the given steps might be followed as:
(1) Suppose suitable scale say 1 cm → 5 m/s.
(2) Plot velocity of A, VA perpendicular to O2A. It is illustrated by o2a in velocity polygon Figure (b).
(3) Draw a line from point a perpendicular to AB to signify direction of VBA.
(4) Draw a line from o2 perpendicular to O4B to signify direction of VB to meet line demonstrating direction of VBA at b. o2b represents VB in magnitude & direction.
(5) For finding velocity of C, plot point c on ab such as

From velocity polygon and
VBA = 6.5 m/s
VB = 9 m/s
For drawing acceleration polygon, the given steps might be followed:
(1) Acceleration of A that is
= O2 A ω2 . Or
. A scale 1 cm → 250 m/s may serve the cause.
(2) Draw a line parallel to O2A & plot ac that will be given 3 cm. this is represented by o2′ a1′ in polygon.
(3) Draw a line perpendicular to O2A from a′1 in the sense of angular acceleration to signify tangential acceleration which is
= O2 A × α = (75/100) × 4400 = 300 m/s2.